Griffith University’s School of Language and Linguistics is leading the way in English education, this year offering a new suite of online interactive resources to enhance international students’ language proficiency.

The two-year project will develop discipline-specific interactive resources to enhance the English language proficiency of students.

“In 2010 Griffith University launched the English Language Enhancement Courses (ELEC) as part of the Griffith English Language Enhancement Strategy,” says Chief Investigator Dr Rowan Michael.

“The courses focus on developing international students’ discipline specific language to help improve their English language use for academic and professional success.”

ELEC has been customised to meet the specific needs and requirements of business and commerce, health, science, environment, engineering and technology, and the arts.

Initially, the new suite of online language resources will be used to supplement the ELEC lectures in a blended learning environment, however, they will later be made available to academic staff across Griffith for use in their own courses and programs.

“In the first year we will develop and trial some of the online interactive learning resources and develop a series of modules students can access via learning@Griffith, while the interactive resources will focus on developing discipline specific language,” Dr Michael said.

“The project also aims to see the resources made available to all students with higher-level content adapted for domestic students who would like to develop their discipline-specific language proficiency.”

For more information on Griffith’s English Language Enhancement Courses visit: