NIHEN is a professional network of deans, heads of schools, senior policy advisors, directors and managers of schools/units responsible for the leadership of Indigenous Education within Australian Universities.
Head of Griffith University’s GUMURRII Support Student Unit, Maureen Ah Sam said it was the biggest meeting to date with representatives from ACU, CSU, Curtin, JCU, Latrobe, Newcastle, QUT, Melbourne, University of South Australia, USQ, UTS, UWA, Ballarat and UWS.
“NIHEN provides a collegial and supportive network for Indigenous educators, researchers and administrators working in higher education” Ms Ah Sam said.
“This is an important meeting because we will be discussing issues facing Indigenous students, including barriers to higher education, equity and social inclusion.
“NIHEN members view access to education and educational outcomes as critical to addressing many of the issues that impede the economic and social development, well being and sustainability of Indigenous Australians.”
The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples Co-Chair Dr Kerry Arabena will speak on July 2 about the role of the Congress in NIHEN, and NIHEN Chair Professor Peter Buckskin will discuss the reporting of Indigenous Education Statements to the Commonwealth.
MEDIA CONTACT: Communications Officer Deborah Marshall 0408 727 734.