Griffith University will be available for 1-to-1 student interviews and seminar events in the Centre for International Studies (CIS) offices in Malmo, Stockholm and Gothenburg form 6th to 9 Oct 2008

Griffith International would like to extend an invitation for you to meet with Chanelle Baker — Regional Director, Europe in Sweden at the CIS offices to carry out 1-to-1 student interviews and Griffith University seminar events:


Monday, 6th October from 13.00 – 16.30


CIS Office in Malmo

Per Weijersgatan 4

211 34 Malmö

tel 040-661 62 50

fax 040-30 38 50

Please contact Jessica Fischer on the above telephone number for more information or to make an appointment.


Wednesday 8th October from 12.00 – 17.00


CIS office in Stockholm

Drottninggatan 55

111 21 Stockholm

tel 08-33 07 20

fax 08-33 07 30

Please contact Anna-Karin or Monica on the above telephone number for more information or to make an appointment.


Thursday 9th October from 13.30 – 18.15


CIS office in Gothenburg

Stampgatan 20

411 01 Gothenborg

tel 031-15 10 90

fax 031-778 10 88

Please contact Lars Garvick on the above telephone number for more information or to make an appointment.

Looking forward to meeting you soon,

Best regards


Chanelle Baker

Regional Director, Europe

Griffith International

Griffith University

Stortorget 9

252 20 Helsingborg


Tel Office: + 46 (0)42 245270

Mobile: + 46 (0)733 165271

E-mail: [email protected]
