A development of global significance is the recently established Environments for Healthy Living research program at Griffith.
This program is set to develop into one of the largest population health research activities conducted in Australia today. It will focus on optimising the health of disadvantaged populations through structural change; recognising that, even while important advances have been made in the science of preventive health, the social inequalities in health outcomes have widened. Via this Centre, we will develop new approaches to preventive health policy and the design of urban environments for comprehensive improvements to public health.
Most importantly, the Centre will draw upon some of our global partnerships, adding significant strength to its research and its applicability to communities across the world. It will also draw upon some of the Griffith’s top research Centres and Schools, including the School of Medicine, Heart Foundation Research Centre, Genomics Research Centre, Urban Research Program and its leading researchers in epidemiology, criminology, health psychology, health economics and spatial analysis.
For more information about this program or areas of Applied Social Science and Preventative Health, visit URL: