August is health month at Griffith University and to celebrate student services is coordinating a health day on each campus to promote staff and student health and well-being.

Both staff and students will have the opportunity to have free health checks, win giveaways, play with beer goggles and receive a range of information.

Student services spokesperson Beth Campbell said hopefully people would go away with information that positively impacted on their health and well-being.

“Well-being is vital to everyone — it is what enables us to positively experience life —

and through enhancing our well being we increase our potential,” Ms Campbell said.

“Health month has been coordinated by Student Services for more than 10 years, and is a collaborative effort. It is due to the continued support of internal elements and external organisations that the event has continued for so long.”

Campus health days are as follows:

Gold Coast campus on Tuesday, August 14

Mt Gravatt campus on Thursday, August 16

Nathan campus on Wednesday, August 22

Logan campus on Wednesday, August 29

For more information contact Beth Campbell on 07 3735 3734 or email [email protected]