The Minister for Education and Training and the Arts, Rod Welford, will launch a cutting edge research learning centre on Tuesday, August 7.
The Griffith Institute for Educational Research will produce nationally and internationally recognised research.
Director Professor Robyn Zevenbergen says the institute, an amalgamation of Griffith’s Centre for Applied Linguistics, Literacy and Communication Studies and the Centre for Learning Reseach, emphasises the importance of learning to bring about social change.
“Its key focus is to investigate how the changing world impacts on learning and learners and, in turn, how learners can and do impact on social change,” she said.
The institute’s membership is drawn from key researchers within Griffith education and other areas across the university.
“Its research programs operate as collaborations of researchers bringing multi and inter-disciplinary perspectives to educational problems and issues of national significance,” Professor Zevenbergen said.
Researchers will undertake leading research, assist in the training of postgraduate research students and provide expert advice to external agencies including industry and government sectors.
School leadership, literacy, workplace learning, mathematics education, classroom learning, vocational education, special education, policy, design and technology education are also part of the program.
WHAT: Griffith Institute for Educational Research
WHEN: Tuesday August 7, 5-7pm.
WHERE: Conference Room, Level 5, Social Sciences building (M10), Mt Gravatt campus