A new DVD is giving Griffith University teaching students a competitive edge with the introduction of Prep into Queensland schools this year.
A joint partnership between Griffith University and Education Queensland, The Early Years at Watson Road State School, is a teaching resource which demonstrates excellent early years teaching practice. The resource demonstrates the connection between research and practice in classrooms.
Early Childhood lecturer Michele Leiminer said it was essential for research to inform practice, as the early years were foundational to educational outcomes and life opportunities.
“While excellent early childhood practice can be seen in some individual classrooms there hasn’t been a consistent approach across Prep to Year 3,” she said.
For many years, Watson Road State School has attracted considerable attention for its innovative teaching methodology.
Teachers and administrators from across the State have visited the school to see early childhood practice in action so they may implement similar learning environments in their own schools.
“Griffith University staff has worked with teachers to develop the DVD which has extensive live footage of classroom practice and supplementary educational materials,” Ms Leiminer said.
“It’s a valuable resource of theoretically informed practice and will be of immense value to pre-service teachers and practising teachers.”
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