Exciting breakthrough offers hope for Long COVID patients

Researchers from Griffith University’s National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases (NCNED) have made a groundbreaking discovery that could bring relief to those struggling with Long COVID. In a world-first finding, they’ve identified a way to restore the faulty function of ion channels on immune cells using a well-known drug typically used for other medical […]
3 Good Health and Well Being

Griffith awarded $2.2 million in NHMRC Investigator Grants

Griffith University has been awarded $2.2 million across the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator Grants. Congratulations to Associate Professor Bronwyn Griffin from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, and Dr Yun Shi from the Institute for Glycomics. Associate Professor Griffin will receive a $1.6 million Investigator Grant which will be used for […]
Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution

Revised dating of the Liujiang skeleton renews understanding of human occupation of China

Scientific dating shaves nearly 200,000 years off famous Chinese skeleton age.
Coastal and Marine Research Centre

Whale encounters in Mexico highlight need for global humpback research investment

Tagging expedition yields rare insights into intense behaviours and entanglement concerns.
12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Urgent need for logging loophole remedy within proposed koala national park

Report finds exclusion of prime habitat from logging inconsistent with koala protection efforts. 
3 Good Health and Well Being

Immune cells lost in translation: Breakthrough into body’s response to blood cancer

Researchers have made a breakthrough discovery into how cancer cells manipulate the immune system.
12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Lake ‘healthcare screening’ needed to safeguard global human health and ecosystems

Urgent need for coordinated action to remedy lake ecosystems globally.
Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution

Researchers and cave divers bring megafauna secrets to the surface

Researchers dive into cave sites to learn more about Australia’s most mysterious animals – extinct marsupial megafauna. 
3 Good Health and Well Being

Improving prospects for people with Parkinson’s

A new report has offered fresh insights into the burden Parkinson's places on those affected.
16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Blackmore and Griffith join forces for new Business Chair

A new partnership with Blackmore Family Foundation has mobilised a worldwide search for the Blackmore Chair in Business Leadership.
Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution

First evidence of human occupation in lava tube cave in Saudi Arabia

Exploration of underground caves and lava tubes reveal archaeological abundance in Arabia. 
4 Quality Education

Not your average type

An international typography conference will be hosted in Australia for the first time in 67 years, with the Queensland College of Art and Design featuring heavily in the line-up.
Centre for Quantum Dynamics

Combatting disruptive ‘noise’ – a quantum communication breakthrough

Experiment demonstrates how networks can be leveraged to combat disruptive ‘noise’ in quantum communications.
Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security

Coffee, coastlines and a cutting-edge vaccine: Griffith’s Advanced Queensland trio putting state at forefront

Griffith researchers among 19 scientists share in $5.56 million of funding.
Griffith Health

Study finds significant overlap in neurochemicals from long COVID and ME/CFS patients

Researchers find overlap in long COVID and ME/CFS patients using MRI.   
Griffith Beacons

New micro course helps local councils be climate ready

Online micro-credential course to build organisations’ capability to adapt and mitigate against climate impacts.
Griffith Health

ME/CFS progression in focus with $438,000 grant

Researchers will track progression of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). 

Global collaboration to combat chronic lung infection

Researchers develop drug target to tackle multi-drug resistant lung bacterium.